Saturday, February 25, 2023 UNDIP SV tax accounting study program held a national webinar, namely “accountants’ readiness to face the digitalization era: academic studies and practice”. This activity takes place online via zoom. The speakers at the event were Dr. Muhammad Noor Ardiansyah, SE., MSc., Ak and Dr. Kustiyono SE., M.Kom., Ak. The event moderators were tax accounting study program lecturers, Raden Roro Diana Atika Ghozali, SE., M.Ak and Maya Aresteria, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA.

From the webinar it was concluded that accountants must have technological awareness in order to be able to take advantage of technological developments to make their work easier. Technology will never replace an accountant’s analytical skills, therefore technology cannot replace the accountant’s role in the future.