Outstanding Student (Mawapres) is the dream of many people because every process has an extraordinary journey. Can we achieve that dream in just 1.5 years? Of course you can, because everyone has the same opportunity without limited time. There are 7 surefire ways to become the University Mawapres champion from my experience of winning 2nd Place in the Youngest Undip Diploma Mawapres (Semester 4):

  1. Read and understand the previous year’s Pilmapres guidelines

The first and main thing you have to do is read and understand the previous year’s Pilmapres guidelines. Usually the presidential election selection at the Faculty/University level has the same references as the guidelines 1 year earlier. This guide is the most important basis that you should know. The Pilmapres guidelines are very complete in explaining the selection stages and what kind of assessment will be carried out by the jury.

  1. Don’t be absent from Mawapres School

BEM in the Faculty/University Area for Risk and Research routinely holds Mawapres Schools or socializations that invite Mawapres from the previous year. Here you will find many things and the beginning of setting a strategy to advance rapidly in the Pilmapres event. Steal as much knowledge as possible and take advantage of brief mentoring with the presenters.

  1. Steal the Start as a New Student

When I was in my first semester, I started taking part in a national level essay competition. I haven’t even sat in college for 1 month, I have the courage to move forward until I successfully take part in the finals at PKN STAN offline. Build personal branding so that you can be seen representing the study program. You don’t have to be good at starting a great journey, just determination and courage can be the initial capital for our field of achievement. Fail? Try again until it works.

  1. Find and build relationships between faculties

Believe me, there are many activities and competitions with a team or group system. If you want to create something cool, don’t just hang out or compete with just one study program team. Try to build relationships between faculties because that’s where you can create cross-scientific collaboration. There are many ways to build relationships between faculties, namely joining university-level organizations, taking part in prestigious training, and never closing yourself off or remaining silent in your study program.

  1. Excellent Achievement Files Must Be Complete and Balanced

Superior Achievement (CU) is one of the most important selections in the Presidential Election, you will be tested and verified the results of your achievements in 7 fields by a very selective jury team. Explain your CU as completely as possible and don’t leave any room for the jury to doubt your achievements. Apart from being complete, CU is expected to be balanced because the Presidential Election is not only a test of your achievements in the competitive field. At least you have achievements in the fields: 2 Competitions, 1 Organization, 1 Community Empowerment and Humanitarian Action. The more balanced you are, the more it shows that you are skilled in all fields.

  1. Innovative Products Must Be Ready

One thing that is usually missed is that the PI is still in idea form. Remember, Innovative “Product” means you must be ready to present the product in front of the judges. Carefully prepare innovative products that are able to solve problems in a community group. Unleash all the potential of your respective regions and create solution products related to study program concentrations.

  1. Start Learning and Master English

Lastly, which is no less important is English language skills. Even though the percentage weight for the English selection is the smallest, this ability could be the biggest consideration for the jury in selecting the winner. Start learning English and learn SDGs issues that are usually asked about in the judging session. There are many selections that use English in the Pilmapres stages, for example: Presentation of Innovative Ideas for the SV Undip Pilmapres using English.