In an effort to support local community through tax compliance, Accounting Taxation Program Study of Universitas Diponegoro and Vocational Tax Corner will held an e-SPT filing assistance event for lecturers, educational staff, along with small and medium enterprises (UMKM) in Semarang. This activity involves lecturers and students from the Accounting Taxation Program Study with a qualified expertise. During the event, participants will receive direct guidance on how to fill out e-SPT and file their annual tax returns, both for lecturers and educational staff as well for small and medium enterprises (UMKM) that need assistance in fulfilling their tax obligations.
Additionally, the volunteers will educate the community about the importance of fulfilling their tax obligations and how to do it properly even after the event ends. This event is also part of the academic world’s tangible contribution to community empowerment through knowledge applied directly on the ground, while providing valuable experience for students while interacting with the community and practicing their expertise in taxation.
With this community initiative, we hope that the e-SPT filing assistance program will enhance tax awareness and compliance among lecturers, educational staff, along with small and medium enterprises (UMKM) in Semarang. Furthermore, this program is expected to strengthen the relationship between higher education institutions and the community in working together to build the nation through tax awareness.
For those who wish to participate in the e-SPT filing program, please visit us at:
📍 Location:
• Contact Center, Gedung Bersama Dekanat Vokasi – Sekolah Vokasi (Tembalang)
• Innovative Business Center (Pleburan)
📅 Dates: February 17 – March 20, 2025
⏰ Time: 08:00 – 15:30 WIB
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