In order to support strengthening knowledge of Land and Building Tax (PBB-P2) in Semarang City, UNDIP Vocational School Tax Accounting Students created a culture-based educational game created by Ari Putra Mulya. With the development of creative learning media innovation, it is hoped that the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely Education and Teaching, can be created.

“I am targeting Semarang City PBB-P2 educational media and information for high school/equivalent students. The motivation for making this game actually started when I was documenting files at UNDIP, my PBB-P2 letter had problems and I didn’t know where to take care of it. Apart from increasing my knowledge, I don’t want other students to feel the same way,” said Putra. Through noble motivation, he is committed to developing these creative ideas throughout all areas of the city of Semarang.

As a form of initial commitment, this monopoly has been registered as a Copyright with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property: Monopoli Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (Opak Bunga) Kota Semarang. With registration number ECO00202492160 and type of Props manufacture. He also compiled a guidebook that can be used to expand the reach of this monopoly game. The guidebook contains facilitator provisions, game procedures, game assessment, and so on.

It doesn’t stop there, Tax Accounting students also carry out real implementation in Class XI AKL SMK Negeri 2 Semarang City. “On August 21 2024 I carried out and tested the usability index at SMK Negeri 2 Semarang City. Yesterday I was helped by several FEB UNDIP friends to carry out socialization, pre-test and post-test. The test results with FSM UNDIP students are to find out the extent of the usefulness index,” said Putra.

The results of the Paired T Test Statistical Test show that there is a significant increase in the average value before and after the Semarang City PBB-P2 Monopoly game. Statistically, the value obtained is Sig (2-tailed) < alpha (0.05), thus showing that the average difference or Monopoly PBB-P2 has a significant influence in increasing the tax knowledge of students of XI AKL 2 SMKN Semarang City.