Currently, students of the Tax Accounting Study Program are undergoing the Mid-Semester Exam (UTS). This UTS will be held from 7-18 October 2024. Febriansyah and Zaghlul Habibie, who are new students, this UTS is their first experience of undergoing UTS with the status of a student. Especially for Zaghlul himself, who previously in high school there was no UTS and went straight to UAS. Even then, the UAS that was carried out in high school was only in the form of multiple choice questions, there were no essay questions like UTS in college. This caused Zaghlul to need to make a few adjustments.

Several preparations have been made by Febriansyah and Zaghlul to face this UTS. The preparation made by Febriansyah was by reading a summary of the material that had been given by the lecturer. In addition, Febriansyah and his friends took the initiative to hold a study group using the discord application. Meanwhile, Zaghlul implemented a different strategy. Zaghlul prefers to study alone until 2 in the morning. Zaghlul also learned from his close friend who is a student of Accounting.

According to Febriansyah, he felt that he was not optimal in his preparation because he still had a little difficulty in time management. According to him, he needs to make a schedule for each of his activities so that they can all be carried out. Meanwhile, for Zaghlul, he felt that he was not optimal in studying because he did not take notes on the material presented by the lecturer. However, Febriansyah and Zaghlul felt very confident that they could take the UTS well and get maximum scores.

Submitted by : Febriansyah and Zaghlul Habibie Class of 2024