Mento Village, Temanggung Regency (22/07/2024) – Land and Building Tax, is a levy that must be deposited on the existence of land and buildings that provide benefits and socio-economic position for individuals and entities. Land and Building Tax is one of the sources of income for local governments to finance activity programs. From this information, it is necessary to realize that tax compliance also plays a role in regional development. In realizing the tax compliance program, there are still obstacles related to the procedure for paying Land and Building Tax. Nowadays, Land and Building Tax payment can be done at home online. However, some people still do not know the steps to pay Land and Building Tax online.

(Online PBB Payment Assistance)

UNDIP Field Study and Community Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata/KKN) student, Fahma Indriawati from the Tax Accounting study program conducted a monodisciplinary program to assist online Land and Building Tax payments to taxpayers in Mento Village. This activity was held on Monday, July 22, 2024 at the Mento Village Office which was attended by all Heads of Hamlets in Mento Village and several village officials. This activity began with the presentation of information related to Land and Building Tax in general. Furthermore, they practiced paying Land and Building Tax online through mobile banking and e-commerce. The Heads of Hamlet (Kadus) who participated in this activity were also given modules related to the steps to pay Land and Building Tax online so that they could be socialized to their citizens as a follow-up. In addition, there was a discussion session related to experiences and obstacles faced when paying Land and Building Tax in the previous tax year.

This program is expected to make it easier for people to pay PBB online. Not only that, this program is expected to be carried out continuously as a form of sustainability so that it can help make people aware of the importance of tax compliance programs in contributing to regional development which can also be felt by the community.

Author: Fahma Indriawati / Tax Accounting / Vocational School

Lecturer: Dr. Drs. Suroto M.Pd.