Mento Village, Temanggung Regency (28/07/2024) – Bookkeeping is the process of recording financial transactions related to sales, purchases, income, and expenses made by individuals or organizations into accounting records. Usually, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) do bookkeeping to help with financial management. However, some MSMEs have not realized the importance of bookkeeping so they have never done bookkeeping, one of them, Mas Lilik, owner of MSME Fifa Jawa Elektrik in Mento Village. “I have never done bookkeeping before,” he said.

Bookkeeping can be done manually or using digital applications. The digital application used is BukuWarung, a financial application that provides bookkeeping features and simplifies financial transactions for business people. In order to deal with technological developments, UNDIP Field Study and Community Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata/KKN) student Fahma Indriawati from the Tax Accounting study program provides assistance and training in simple financial bookkeeping using the BukuWarung application.

(Simple Financial Bookkeeping Assistance with BukuWarung Application)

This monodisciplinary work program was carried out on July 28, 2024 by visiting MSME in Mento, namely Fifa Jaya Elektrik. The program began by providing a brief explanation of the meaning, purpose, and importance of bookkeeping for MSMEs. The implementation of this program was continued with simple bookkeeping assistance using digital applications which includmpact on the financial management of MSMEs and the surrounding community.


Author: Fahma Indriawati / Tax Accounting / Vocational School

Lecturer: Dr. Drs. Suroto M.Pd.