The Tax Accounting Study Program at the Diponegoro University Vocational School is proud to launch the “Tax Teenagers Competition 2024, The Next Tax Generation for Great Transformation”, a pioneering initiative that aims to increase financial literacy among teenagers. The competitions held are wits competition, debate competition, poster design competition, videography competition.

Here are the important dates of the event:
1. Technical Meeting, 11 May 2024,
2. Work and Collection of Works, 12-24 May 2024
3. Post Work and Count Likes, 25-26 May 2024
4. Closing and Announcement of Champions, June 1 2024

Organized by the Tax Accounting Study Program in collaboration with leading partners, this competition underlines Diponegoro University’s commitment to cultivating future leaders who have a strong foundation in financial management and tax principles.

For further information about the 2024 Tax Teenagers Competition and how to participate, please visit Instagram @vtc_undip or call one of the following contacts: 082230437510 (kiki); 085803636586 (amalia); 085772236516 (rania); 085920755888 (aliyah).