On February 23 2024, students of the Tax Accounting Study Program from the Vocational School, Diponegoro University  carried out an educational visit to the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This visit aims to provide students with practical insight into the implementation of tax practices at the regional level. During this visit, students were invited to get to know more closely the role and function of the Regional Office of DJBC Central Java & DIY in supervising, regulating and implementing tax policies in the region. They were given the opportunity to interact directly with DJBC Regional Office employees, as well as gain a deeper understanding of administrative and regulatory processes in the tax sector. This visit is also part of the Tax Accounting Study Program’s efforts to provide a holistic learning experience for students, which is not only limited to the campus environment, but also involves direct understanding of the real world in the field.

Apip, S.E., M.Si., Supervisor of this visit, stated, “The visit to the Regional Office of DJBC Central Java & DIY was a very valuable experience for our students. They were able to see firsthand how theoretical concepts in taxation are applied in a practical context in government institution.” The students also expressed their enthusiasm in participating in this visit. They feel that this hands-on experience provides a more holistic perspective on the world of taxation and will help them prepare for future careers in tax accounting. It is hoped that this visit to the Regional Office of DJBC Central Java & DIY can provide encouragement and inspiration for students of the Tax Accounting Study Program in pursuing their dreams of becoming quality professionals and contributing positively to society.