Students from the Tax Accounting Study Program from the Diponegoro University Vocational School held an educational visit to the Regional 3 Financial Services Authority (OJK) Office. This visit was part of an effort to provide students with a direct understanding of the role and function of the OJK in supervising and regulating the financial services industry at the local level. regional. During the visit, the students had a rare opportunity to interact with professionals and experts in the financial sector who work at the OJK Regional Office 3. They were introduced to the various activities carried out by the OJK in maintaining financial sector stability, consumer protection, and regulation and supervision of financial institutions. in regional areas.

Drs. Dul Muid, M.Si., Akt., Head of the Tax Accounting Study Program stated, “The visit to the OJK Regional 3 Office provided a very valuable experience for our students. They were able to see firsthand how financial supervisory institutions work to protect public interests and safeguard financial sector stability.”

Students are also given an understanding of regulations related to taxation and financial reporting that apply in the financial industry. They are invited to understand the role of tax accounting in the context of financial regulations and tax reporting in the financial services industry. It is hoped that this visit will provide additional encouragement and motivation for students of the Tax Accounting Study Program in pursuing careers in the fields of taxation and finance. It is hoped that this direct experience can enrich their insight and help them prepare themselves for challenges in the professional world in the future.