Diponegoro University Vocational School in collaboration with PT Sriboga Flour Mill held a “Sharing of Successful MSME Business” event which was attended by around 150 MSME actors from Semarang and surrounding areas. This activity took place at the Undip ICT Building on Thursday (10/17/2024) and included the signing of a cooperation agreement between SV Undip and Sriboga. In addition, this event also introduced the teaching factory (Tefa) “Vocabis” owned by SV Undip which is designed to improve the skills of students in the Accounting study program. Other series of activities included a seminar on MSME development and a cooking demonstration by Chef Roni from the Sriboga Customer Center Semarang.

PT Sriboga Flour Mill was represented by Maria Wuri Handayani (Marketing Manager), Agus Surono (Regional Business Manager Area Central 1), Ja’far Shodiq (National Sales Manager), and Ahmad Mukholil (Head of MSME Empowerment Division). From SV Undip, Dr. Edi Rahardja, S.E., M.Si. was present. (Head of the Department of Business and Finance), Apip, S.E., M.Sc. (Head of the Tax Accounting Study Program), and a number of lecturers and managers, together with MSME actors.

Maria Wuri Handayani said that this event aims to provide education to fostered MSMEs so that they can improve their abilities in product innovation, business management, and marketing. The collaboration with SV Undip was chosen because this institution excels in the development of science and technology, and is committed to supporting community empowerment and sustainable economic growth.

This collaboration is part of a community service program which is one of the implementations of the Tridharma of Higher Education. Through this synergy, MSME empowerment is expected to be more optimal, encourage increased skills, and accelerate business growth towards a more modern and developed business scale.

The “Sharing Bisnis MSME Sukses” event in Semarang marked the end of the Sriboga safari series which had previously been successfully held in six other cities, involving a number of local universities.

Dr. Edi Rahardja and Apip appreciated the ongoing collaboration between Sriboga and SV Undip, which has been going on for several years and is beneficial for the development of fostered MSMEs.

Dr. Edi Rahardja also emphasized the importance of the “Vocabis” teaching factory for students to gain practical experience that is in accordance with industry needs, in order to increase the competitiveness of graduates. “With increasingly complex industry challenges, this teaching factory is a means of quality learning based on technology and national and global industry,” he said.